Saturday, September 21, 2013

EDLD 5364 Week 4 Reflection

Video/Reading Reflection
This week’s readings and videos dealt with effective learning environments surrounded by technology. One video, The Collaborative Classroom, taught that social and emotional learning is a crucial part of teaching the “whole child”, because in order to make learning contact with students and know how to reach them, we have to know about them and understand them. I really liked the Project Learning video. This really breaks down the four walls of the class and takes learning to a new and different level. One of the girls in the interview expressed how the everyday routing of the textbook and classroom was boring and you can only learn so much, but with her research assignments, she’s able to break the “classroom” barrier and go out and dive in the lake and take water samples and specimens and study outside. To her that brought learning to a whole new level, exciting and invigorating!
In reading, Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age: Universal Design for Learning, Chapter 7, the concept of Flexibility in Presentation, really stood out to me. “Technology enables teachers to provide multiple representations of content in the context of ongoing assessment. Varying the media within the representation is one of the most useful options”.
This is statement is so true. The more we use varied media within our presentations the more students we can reach and accommodate. TTS (text to speech) is great so that visual recognition deficits will not confuse assessment results. Different representations can incorporate different supports, such as links to important background information, context-sensitive vocabulary supports, or glossary items. Varied representations and supports help to create accurate, ongoing assessment by:
1.      Ensuring that every student’s assessment is accessible to him or her.
2.      They permit a teacher to select an assessment that provides the supports a student normally uses.
The result will be the truest picture of students' progress, based on what is being evaluated, the supports these students normally use, and the format that is most accessible to each. (December 10, 2007). The Collaborative Classroom: An Interview with Linda Darling-Hammond. Filmed at the CASEL forum in New York City. Retrieved from (nd). Project Learning: An Overview. Retrieved from

Rose, D., & Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Chapter 7. Available online at the Center for Applied Special Technology Web site. Retrieved from

Wendy R Hickman
Assignment Week 4 – Part 2
1. Provide evidence each team member contributed to the solution and learning activities. 
(5 pts.)
See Group Collaboration Google Doc.

2. Team Google site/doc link sent to the instructional associate, shared with team members, and professor(s).
( 5 pts.)
Google Site:

Google Doc:

Google Drive:

3. Learning Activities mirror the team action plan and include evidence of the following components.
(5 pts.)
See Previous UDL to see that my activities are listed there.

-Design of the integration/
intervention program:
What grade level and content
area(s) will you address to meet the unique needs of 30 students?
(5 pts.)

3rd Grade Social Studies
SS3.11 (3.11) Citizenship. The student understands characteristics of good citizenship as exemplified by historical and contemporary figures.
SS3.12 (3.12) Citizenship. The student understands the impact of individual and group decisions on communities in a constitutional republic.

-Implementation of the integration/
intervention program:
Examples of learning activities/units to address each unique set of needs in the scenario.
Evidence of a way to address the professional development needs of the teacher in the scenario.

Evidence of the use of 21st Century technology trends.
(10 pts.)

Digital Presentation, Internet, Group Collaboration, Google Drive, PowerPoint, Wix Website to help students identified Historical Figures and Good Citizenship and another PowerPoint (game form)

Evidence of ways to meet individual differences of:
Gifted and talented, online users, disabled, blind, hearing impaired, and multiple achievement levels.
(10 pts.)

GT- extend learning by having them design an 8box picture game in PowerPoint to reveal historical figures they learn about and have 5-8 clues for each figure

Online- I will make a website for historical figures and good citizenship and a PowerPoint for students to go to for online assistance

Disabled- modify assignment according to IEP, options may be reduced assignment, extended time, etc.

Blind- enlarge print or create audio recording – I can use the JAWS program, and braille Keyboards

Hearing Impaired- allow to use headphones for audio to increase volume, provide typed instructions

Multiple Achievement Levels- group accordingly, reduce of extend assignments depending on level, simplify lesson as much as possible while still achieving proper learning of the leason

-Assessment of the integration/
intervention program:
Evidence of assessment for each learning activity.
Evidence for some type of assessment which might include observations/reflections regarding how you might determine whether the teacher has an understanding of how to teach with technology to benefit student learning.
(10 pts.)
Student assessed using rubric included on assignment sheet. Follow up with teacher to see if additional instruction or training needs to occur, modifications to assignments, etc.
Historical Figures and Good Citizenship = eBook Activity
Historical Figures and Good Citizenship = Wix Website
Historical Figures and Good Citizenship = PowerPoint Examples
Historical Figures and Good Citizenship = 8Box PowerPoint Game
All listed on our Group Team Google site learning activities:

(Total =50 pts.)

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