Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 3 Action Research Plan

This has definitely been a week for me! Lights, camera and action planning all week long. I have revised this several times already and know for a fact this one is not written in stone. It was funny because the other day when I showed my site supervisor a copy, he was like.......ooh, this is going to be hard! I was like, no kidding, but you're the one who picked it for me(lol). He couldn't say anything. I told him, "yes, "WE" have our work cut out for us!"

Action Planning Template
Goal: Evaluate KACE and our current practices determining: time/money saved, and the increase in productivity.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
1. Verify action research with site supervisor and begin training on KACE

Wendy R Hickman /
Robert Walker
March 11 – May 15, 2013
Stamped and signed approval from site super.
KACE (Kbox)
Notes for KACE - Manual
2. Review notes on KACE training / Begin the full use of KACE - Solo

Wendy R Hickman

May 20, 2013 / Duration
KACE and work orders
Add info and documentation to spreadsheet concerning “KACE” (increase in productivity)
3. Analyze and document procedures done manually (approx. time frame for manual setups installs and patches, etc.)

Wendy R Hickman
June 3- August 2, 2013
Work orders and observations from other technicians
Document in Spreadsheet time frame of “manually” done procedures
5. Survey technicians on what improvements they would like to see change in our procedures (in hopes that KACE will bring that change)
Wendy R Hickman /
Robert Walker
August 19-30, 2013
Survey Monkey / Technicians
Survey Monkey
6. Devise best approach to transform all data collected into %, $ saved, and graphical forms of the increase in productivity

Wendy R Hickman / Robert Walker
September, 9-23 2013
All Documents, spreadsheets
All data collected
7. Differentiate manual labor vs. KACE
Wendy R Hickman
October 7-21, 2013
Written analysis on findings
All data collected
8. Pull all data together; graphs, written report, etc. organizing one big report
Wendy R Hickman
November 4-18, 2013
All collected and documented data
All data
9. Present outcome of action research
Wendy R Hickman
December 2, 2013
Finished research / presentation
Present to Supervisor


  1. Wendy, your plan is very detailed and well put together. I see that you will be working well into the following school year. I have a question, what acronym is KACE used for? I can see that saving money will benefit your campus tremendously.

    1. Thanks Sandy, it will definitely benefit the campus greatly. As far as I know, and from what my supervisor and I have found is that KACE was actually derived from one of the original founders' name and Dell kept it that way when they bought the company.

  2. Great plan. Looking forward to following your research as I do not know what KACE stands for, but I think I can figure out its purpose. Good luck!

    1. Thank you Kelly! We are sure hoping KACE can do all it says it can. As far as I know, and from what my supervisor and I have found is that KACE was actually derived from one of the original founders' name and Dell kept it that way when they bought the company.

  3. Hi Wendy,

    Your action research plan looks like you followed the 8 steps, and is very well put together. If I am not totally familiar with KACE, but it looks to be a very cool piece of technology, and I would like to learn more from you about what it can do. I will be following your research to see your findings and learn more.

    1. Thanks Scott, I am definitely looking forward to this research!

  4. Wendy, seems to me that you have a good idea how you want to structure your project. I have one question, will you be the only person implementing KACE or will other technicians be implementing KACE also? Is KACE an OS imaging program by DELL? Are other technicians on board with helping you do this project? Is KACE an OS imaging program by DELL?

    1. Thanks James! Actually there are other technicians in KACE training with me and they are all on board with helping me out with KACE. I will be doing the majority of the research, but at different points I will need their input along the way. The K1000 appliance is the one I will be conducting research on and it is the systems management appliance and it does have the capability to image. The K2000 appliance is for OS deployment and the K3000 appliance is for mobile management for tablets and smartphones.
