Wednesday, June 12, 2013

EDLD 5363 Week 2 - Recording and Video Editing

This week has brought back fun memories of using Audacity and Windows Movie Maker. I really like using both products and they have served me well in the past.

Using Audacity is very easy and user friendly. I have used it before on several occasions and it has worked great! It's not complicated and is a great tool to teach students to use on their projects. In a previous class we had a project where we had to use Audacity to record ourselves reading a script we made and then we had to change the pitch of our voices to sound like someone else. It was really weird but fun. 

The Creative Commons website is a really good site and offers a lot. The fact that you can share and use so much information legally is great. I like the fact that it gives you the flexibility to allow who can use your material and protects the people who use it. There is so much material that can be freely and legally used; songs and videos to scientific and academic material. I am definitely looking into this some more.

The following are my screencasts:

Recording in Audacity Script
Hello this is a short video to show you how to create a recording in Audacity. Okay so we will open Audacity and click the red record button to begin recording. Make your recording, but for time sake I will make a short one and then click the stop button. Next go to the file menu item and select export.
Select either mp3 or wav file. If you want to export as an mp3 you will have to download the LAME encoder for audacity to save it as an mp3 file. If you do not have the mp3 encoder installed just click wav file and give your file a name. You can navigate on your computer to where you want to save it and press save. And that’s pretty much how you record and save in Audacity.

Windows Live Movie Maker Editing Script
Hello today we are going to go over some features for editing in Windows Live Movie Maker 2012. First off I want you to go ahead and upload your video, if you haven’t already. Then I want you to go ahead and play it to see what changes you’d like to make.
I’m going to delete this group of photos because they were duplicates in my slide. Then I’m going to edit my duration from 7 seconds to 1 second. Lastly I am going to click my first slide and change the color from a pale green to a pretty blue and save it. So what you can do now is play your video back and just go back and forth editing until you have what you want. And those are just some features for editing in Windows Live Movie Maker 2012.

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